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Department Activities

Value Added Program 2024-2025

Sr.NoName of PtogramClassNo of StudentsExpert NameDuration
1Data Structure and its ApplicationTY76Harsh Tripathi30/9/2024 to 5/10/2024
2Data Structure Using SY75Harsh Tripathi18/9/2024 to 23/9/2024
3Data Structure and its Application Using Advanced JavaTY77Harsh Tripathi11/9/2024 to 17/9/2024
4Data Structure Using JavaTY76Harsh Tripathi3/9/2024 to 10/09/2024

Industrial Visit 2024-2025

Sr.NoVisit LocationDate
4Walstar, Kolhapur2024-06-07
6Macsot software Technology Pvt.Ltd2025-04-01
2TechEnvision ,Kolhapur31/01/2025
3Chromtranse Technology,Kolhapur21/01/2025
5Domain Computer,Kolhapur17/01/2025
9SVR Infotech,Pune23/08/2025
10iGap solution pvtLtd,Kolhapur20/09/2024
11Robosap and Electrosal,Nipani17/08/2024
12Mascot Software Technolgy, Kolhapur20/07/2024
13Walstar Technology,Kolhapur25/01/2025

Guest Lecture 2024-2025

Sr.NoTopic for expert talkDateGuest Name & DesignationClass
2Data Science2024-11-10Me.Premkumar R.Mahajan. AI Engineer and Software Developer. RacksonIT Developer Pvt.Ltd.PuneSY
6Introduction to NextJS2024-12-08Mr.Shrikant Khot, Director &Lead Tech ,Platominds Services Pvt.Ltd,KolhapurTY-C
7Culture of IT Industry2024-08-08Mr.Indrajit Vasant Patil. Staff Engineer,Nagarro Enterprise Services Pvt.Ltd,GurugramSY
8Carrier opportunities in India as well as Abroad2024-08-10Mrs.Dhaval Bagawade Founder Info Grow,Sambhaji Nagar ,KolhapurSY
1ETL & Data Migration Testing23/10/2042Mr.Chandrakant M.Umarani. Sr.QA Engineer. Josh Software Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore TY
3Python with Databases Management 20/9/2024Pooja Koli,Sr.Developer,TCS,PuneSY
4Open Source software Development 31/08/2024Mr.Shreevardhan Sunil Patil. Product Engineer,TCS, Bangaluru TY A
5Spring Boot and Hibernate31/08/2024Mr.Abhijeet Narsgonda Patil. Software Engineer Specialist,Accenture Technology,PuneTY C
9Introduction to Full stack Development and JIRA tool20/07/2024Mr.Rahul Pahdatare,Software Developer ,Neosoft Technology Navi MumbaiSY.Btech-A
10Journey of Graphics Designer and Multimedia20/07/0204Mr.Ashutosh Dounde, Lead G&M designer, Nitor Infotech Pune SY.Btech-C
11Introduction to Dot Net and Database Technologies29/06/2024Mr.Shritej Koparde. Owner ShreeGuru Pvt.Ltd Ichalkaranji SY.Btech-B

Year 2022-23

Guest Lecture

Sr. No.Topic for Expert TalkExpert Name & DesignationDate
1Cyber SecurityVinashree Akalkot Domain Computer Kolhapur9/13/2022
2Personality Development and Soft skillsHarshal Kajave
Consultant and Trainer, Kolhapur.
3Carrier GuidanceVitrang N Shah Team Lead RS Lab10/9/2022
4Carrier GuidanceSalil Rajguru
CEO,Path Seeds Global Education,Pune
5IoTMr.Omkar Pujari, Executive Engineer
Qualitas Techno Solution, Kolhapur
6How to Study for Specific DomainRehan Riyaz Ahmed Chougale, Design Analyst, Pune11/28/2022
7Cloud ComputingAtul Kumbhar, Asst. professor, Dr. D.Y.Patil, Kolhapur11/30/2022
8Social Responsibility AwarenessMr.Vaibhav V. Jadhav, NEO member JIJISHIV Foundation Navi Mumbai1/14/2023
9Data Science and Modern AnalyticsMr. Vishal Panditrao Patil, Data Scientist, Fractal Analytics, Pune1/19/2023
10Web DevelopmentMs.Neha Ashok Dalavi
Senior Software developer,Maphasis,Pune
11Study of Foreign Language-GermanMs.Ankita Mane German Professor,Spracheshule Education, Ichalkaranji2/2/2023
12Open Source Operating systemMr.Sheyas Mane CEO,OneStar Software Solutions,Sangli2/9/2023
13Structured Data on JSON- LDMr.Amol M.Miraje
CEO, Happy Visitors.Com, Jaysingpur
14Emerging Trends in Machine LearningMr.Prajyot S.Patil
Founder, AIS Solution Pvt.Ltd,Pune
15Innovation VisionDr.Kshama V.Kulhalli, Retired Principal, Dr.D.Y.Patil, Kolhapur3/15/2023
16UI /UX and Graphic designerMr.Shripad Dixit, Graphic designer, Pune3/25/2023
17Digital MarketingMr.Siraj Shaikh COE MindIT Pvtv.Ltd,Miraj3/31/2023
18IoTMr.Omkar Pujari, Executive Engineer
Qualitas Techno Solution, Kolhapur
19Carrier Opportunities in NetworkingMr.Maheshkumar S. Lakade
Indradeep Information Technology Ltd.Pvt.Sangli
20Introduction of Hibernate and Java ProgrammingMr.Abhijeet Patil Sr.Sowtware Developer Atos Pune4/29/2023
21Indutrial Application Of DBMSMr.Amol R.Patil Sr. Sowtware Developer Sangli Software Sangli5/3/2023
22ntroduction to VB.Net with SQLShreetej C.Koparde Owner ShreeGuru Software Solution Ichalkarnji5/10/2023
Sr. No.Topic for Expert TalkExpert Name & DesignationDate
1Cloud ComputingMr.Shailesh Hari Dinde, Senior Developer Windmill Smart Solution Pvt.Ltd, Pune.8/4/2023
2Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML)Mr.Sahil Bandar, Tech Lead of AIML, Capgemini Engieering, Bengaluru9/14/2023
3Web DevelopmentMr.Shreyas Mane, CEO,OneStar Software Solution, Sangli9/11/2023
4Introduction to AI&MLMr.Sahil Bandar, Technical Lead of AL&ML, Cpgemini, Bengluru14/09/2023
7User Experience Design(UX)Mr.Aniket Pawar Founder,Designvia UX Hub, Satara15-09-2023
8GATE 2024Prof. Pradeep Nair,06-10-2023
9Introduction for Placement Process- (Technical)Mr. Rehan Chougule, Apltech Solution , Pune.7-10-2023
10Deep learningMr. Rohit Kadam Managing Director, Robosap Innovation Pvt.Ltd, Nipani18-10-2023
11Importance of German Language and Opportunities in GermanyAnkita Mane German Professor, Spracheshule education Ichalkaranji21-10-2023
12GATE 2024Prof. Pradeep Nair,06-10-2023
13IT Industry Trends-GenAI and MLMr.Nikhil Ligade. Sr.Technical Lead, Ernst & Young Pvt.Ltd, Pune10-01-2024
14Advance Data VisualisationMr.Vivek Powar Sr.Software Developer, Capgemini,Pune19-01-2024
15Career GuidanceProf.Abhay Kelkar. Advisor Shri Mahalaxmi Academy, Kolhapur31-01-2024
16Applications of Machine LearningMr.Abhijit P. Gatade Owner & Director of iGAP software Pvt.Ltd, Kolhapur05-02-2024
17Introduction to Data VisualisationMr.Abhay Chougule. Owner RacksonIT software Pvt Ltd,Pune08-02-2024
18Introduction to DevOpsMr. Nilkanth Thorbole. Network Engineer. Cyber office IT Department Sangali10-02-2024
19Cyber Security -A PerspectiveDr.Pathan Mohd Shafi Professor,CSE Department MOTSOE MITADT University, Loni Kalbhor,Pune12-02-2024

Value Added Program 2024-2025

Sr.NoName of PtogramClassNo of StudentsExpert NameDuration
1Data Structure and its ApplicationTY76Harsh Tripathi30/9/2024 to 5/10/2024
2Data Structure Using SY75Harsh Tripathi18/9/2024 to 23/9/2024
3Data Structure and its Application Using Advanced JavaTY77Harsh Tripathi11/9/2024 to 17/9/2024
4Data Structure Using JavaTY76Harsh Tripathi3/9/2024 to 10/09/2024

Cloud Computing

Web Development


Industrial Visit

Sr. No.Name & Address of OrganizationClassDate
1Walstar Technology, KolhapurTY A, B06.08.2022
2TCognition, KolhapurTY A, B10.08.2022
3Domain Computer Edcation, SangliSY A, B01.10.2022
4TechEnvision, KolhapurB.Tech18.11.2022
5WolfoxServices,KolhapurSY A, B26.11.2022
6Walstar Technology, KolhapurSY A, B03.12.2022
1Tech Envision, KolhapurTY B21.01.2023
2Domain Computer, KolhapurTY A25.01.2023
3PHN Technologies, PuneTY B28.01.2023
4Biyani Technologies, Kolhapur TY A10.02.2023
5UV Tech Soft TechnologySY A04.03.2023
6Chitale Milk Dairy,Bhilwadi, SangliTY B06.03.2023
7TCognition, KolhapurSY B17.03.2023
8Fie Foundation, IchalkaranjiSY A25.04.2023
9Shivanjali Enterprises, JaysingpurSY B25.04.2023
10Automation Edge Technologies, PuneTY A
A.Y. 2023-24
Sr. No.Name & Address of OrganizationClassDate
1Indian Space Research OrganizationBTech8/21/2023
2TCognition, KolhapurSY 9/4/2023
4WalstarSY- B13/10/23
5U V Tech SangliTY- B21/10/23
6SVR InfotechSY24/11/23
7Wolfox KolhapurSY C09/12/2023
8Robosap NipaniTY B30/02/2024
9Electrosal NipaniTY A30/02/2024
10PlatomindsSY A10/02/24
11iGAPSY B10/02/24
12TCognitionSY C10/02/24

ISRO visit Reprt BTech 2023-24

tCognition, Kolhapur 2023-24

Year 2021-22

Value Added Program :

Sr. No. *Topic**Resource Person*
1Basic of hardware installation and configurationMr. Dayanand Kamble Bits Techno Development Pvt. Ltd. Kolhapur.
2Advance web development TechnologyMr. Ankush Pol, Stormsofts Pvt. Ltd. Pune
Year 2022-23
Sr.NoTopicName of Resource PersonClassNo.of Students ParticipatedDate
1Cyber Security [Ethical Hacking]Mrs. Vinayashree AkkalkotTY7623/02/23 to 01/03/23
2Web Development Using PHPMr.Ankush PolSY5014/06/23 to 18/06/23
Year 2023-24
Sr.NoTopicName of Resource PersonClassNo.of Students ParticipatedDate
1Data Science Visualization using PythonMr. Abhay ChouguleSY663/11/23- 8/11/23
2Internet of thingsMr.Nilesh BavandhkarTY2313/09/23- 18/11/23

Guest Lecture :

Sr. No. *Topic**Date-month-year**Resource Person*
1Career Guidance and Database System9-10-2021Mr. Shirajuddin Shaikh, MindIT Services, MIraj
2Career opportunities in AI9-10-2021Mr. Abhay Chougule, RacksonIT Solution Pvt. Ltd. Pune
3German Language23-11-2021German Language Institute, Kolhapur
4Emerging Trends in Business and Software Industries30-10-2021Mr. Sujit Joshi, Arya Technology, Kolhapur


  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on GATE exam awareness & preparation
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Next step for IT, Knowledge sharing
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Importance of artificial intelligence
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Design & Analysis of Algorithms
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Campus to corporate world
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Advance Trends in web development
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Career opportunities in Cyber Security
  • 2020-21 Conducted Guest Lecture on Career in Python Programming
  • 2018-19 Conducted Guest-Expert-Lectures Workshops,/ seminars Conducted
  • 2017-18 Conducted Guest-Expert-Lectures Workshops,/ seminars Conducted
  • 2016-17 Conducted Guest-Expert-Lectures Workshops,/ seminars Conducted
  • 2015-16 Conducted Guest-Expert-Lectures Workshops,/ seminars Conducted
  • 47 Students got the MTA Certification along with three Faculty.
  • One Week Hands On Workshop conducted on “MTA Certification for basic Fundamental Programming”.
  • One Week Value addition program conducted on “Pythone”.
  • One Week Faculty Development Program Conducted on “JAVA Certification”
  • Guest lecture conducted for the year June 2015- Oct 2016
  • Complete Report of Guest Lectures Conducted For The Year June 2015- Oct 2016
  • Complete Report of Guest Lectures Conducted For The Year June 2014- May 2015
  • Complete Report of Guest Lectures Conducted For The Year June 2013- May  2014
  • Complete Report of Guest Lectures Conducted For The Year June 2012- May 2013
  • Report Of Extra Activities Conducted By CSE Department For Faculties  
  • Report Of Curriculum Enrichment Activities Conducted For Students  Â