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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

The Computer Science & Engineering department is committed to continuously improve the quality of education by enhancing the knowledge of student and staff members.

The department of Computer Science & Engineering with highly qualified staff is well equipped with centralized laboratories having the latest configurations and software tools. The department presents a unique opportunity to study the exciting field with guidance of quality teachers.


Dr. S. B. Gurav


HOD Message

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering welcomes you to be a part of the thriving computer science community and become visionaries and change makers of the future. Department of CSE came into existence in the year 2009 with an intake of 60 and at present, the department has an intake of 180. Our distinguished faculty members ensure a wide range of diverse learning experiences ranging from the fundamentals of Computer Science, Core Courses, Programming, Emerging Technologies like Big Data Analytics, Data Mining, IoT, AI, Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Block-chain, Professional Ethics, Research Methodologies and Open-Source Technologies—to name just a few.

The Department is proud to have a strong-alumni-network, many of whom hold influential positions in the Information Technology industry and academia, at both, national and international levels. We look forward to having talented students, researchers, academicians, and professionals join us and augment the healthy and competitive learning atmosphere we have on campus! Also CSE department is having MoUs with some of the best organizations and trying to strengthen them further

Vision & Mission

  • To be a center of excellence in Computer Science & Engineering education to prepare professionally competent engineers with lifelong learning attitude for the accomplishment of ever-growing needs of society

    1. To prepare technically and professionally competent engineers by imparting quality education through effective teaching learning methodologies and providing stimulating environment for research and innovation.
    2. To develop professional skills and right attitude in students that will help them to succeed and progress in their personal and professional career.
    3. To imbibe moral and ethical values in students with concern to society and environment.
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Quality Policy 

We at SIT committed to provide highest quality in planning, design and effective implementation of technical education by involving all stakeholders, upgrading facilities and faculty through continuous improvement.